The future is repeated


The future is already here — it's just not very evenly distributed

William Gibson


This exhibition ensues as a product of critical deliberation of the concept of future, not in mere temporal terms, but as a notion burdened by connotations of linear development, expediency and social progress. On the other side is the reality, full of cracks, glitches and  errors, lingering around or going in circles, resisting the linear logic of progress, pointing out the places of non-assimilation and resistance in a stratified society who’s future does not belong to everyone.

Inspired by local urban projects and their misleading hints of change and wellbeing, I conceived this installation as a symbolic architectural vision, made of whole, as well as half-hearted, patched, extended, chiseled, and parted pillars, standing in emphasized opposition to notion of pillar as elements of support, stability, and compact entirety.  This body of work partially relies on the layout of gallery’s interior space and the elements of its construction. Distinctively lowered ceiling of the gallery, the supporting pillar amidst, its almost perfectly cubical shape, were all starting points in this installation’s spatial deliberation.

The so-called architecture of the future is in reality often physically friable, abandoned, and left to the nature and its influences, so it serves as a sort of a melancholic testimony to the futility of human aspiration, but also as involuntary cynic commentary to political abuse and illusion. The time and the emotion are written into it; from the present, it speaks of the past, and points to the future which is already here, bare and demystified. Despite technological progress leading us to feel that the future is happening to us much faster than we could ever anticipate, creating a sort of extreme present, the past is always present; it is built into every aspect of our lives, bricked in, cast in concrete. Therefore, in these pillars merge – and collide – personal and universal, where the personal, private, folkloral and fragile, are elements of rupture, instability, and estrangement.

January, 2017.

Budućnost se ponavlja


The future is already here — it's just not very evenly distributed

William Gibson


Ova izložba nastaje kao proizvod kritičkog promišljanja samog koncepta budućnosti, ne kao puke vremenske odrednice već kao pojma bremenitog konotacijama linearnog razvoja, svrhovitosti i društvenog napretka. Nasuprot tome, nalazi se stvarnost puna pukotina, gličeva i grešaka, koja tapka u mestu ili se kreće u krug, odupirući se linearnoj logici progresa i ukazujući na mesta neasimilovanosti i otpora u stratifikovanom društvu čija budućnost ne pripada svima.  

Inspirisana lokalnim urbanističkim projektima i njihovim varljivim nagoveštajima promene i blagostanja, koncipirala sam ovu instalaciju kao simboličku arhitektonsku viziju sačinjenu od celih, ali i polovičnih, zakrpljenih, izdubljenih, isprekidanih stubova, koji stoje u naglašenoj suprotnosti sa poimanjem stuba kao elementa oslonca i stabilnosti, kao kompaktne celine. Ova grupa radova se delimično oslanja na samu organizaciju galerijskog prostora i na njegove konstruktivne elemente. Karakteristično spušteni plafon galerije i noseći stub na sredini prostora, njen gotovo savršeni kockasti oblik, poslužili su mi kao polazna tačka u prostornoj projekciji instalacije.   

Navodna arhitektura budućnosti u realnosti je često fizički trošna, napuštena, prepuštena prirodi i njenim uticajima, te služi kao svojevrsno melanholično svedočanstvo o jalovosti ljudskih stremljenja ali i nehotični cinični komentar na političke zloupotrebe i opsene. U nju su upisani vreme i emocije, ona – iz sadašnjosti – govori o prošlosti jednog vremena i ukazuje na budućnost koja je već ovde, ogoljena i demistifikovana. Uprkos tehnološkom progresu, koji je doveo do toga da imamo utisak da nam se budućnost dešava mnogo brže nego što smo mogli da naslutimo, stvarajući neko vreme ekstremne sadašnjosti, prošlost je uvek prisutna, ona je ugrađena u svaki aspekt naših života, zazidana, zabetonirana. Otuda se u ovim stubovima spajaju – i sudaraju – lično i opšte, gde je ono lično, privatno, folklorno i krhko element raskida, nestabilnosti i oneobičavanja.   

Januar, 2017.

